Monday, September 3, 2007

back in the u.s.s.r.

someone has stolen the umbrella i bought last friday at the university's convini. it was only 400yen but i'm still pissed off. i also stumbled over my own feet today, fell on the stairs and hit my toe. it hurts like hell and even bleeded. kinda like charlotte in lost in translation, now where's my bill murray bringing me an owl?!

this week's teacher is a lot more bearable than last week's! also, the lessons are quite demanding, i really need to sit down and read about all this 丁寧語 teineigo (polite language), 尊敬語 sonkeigo (respectful language) and 謙譲語 kenjōgo (humble language) stuff over again.

after classes we bought chûhai and snacks at saty, went to the us-mart karaoke bar and spent the afternoon singing radiohead, the beatles and captain jack.

university life

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