Tuesday, September 25, 2007

sometimes you have to go halfway around the world to come full circle.

i'm not yet realizing that we're flying back to germany tomorrow. it feels so unreal. my bags are packed but it more feels like tomorrow's gonna be a day just like the last few ones has been: i'd wake up in the morning, get a shower, go to the convini to buy 2 onigiri with grilled salmon and a bottle of pocari sweat, go down to the subway station and eat my breakfast during the 30 minutes ride it takes to get to shibuya/harajuku/shinjuku with the JR yamamoto line. i'd get off and walk around in the streets, visit a shrine here and a temple there and wish i had such a great taste for fashion like most of the girls here in japan have. i'd eat a chicken salad and french fries at mcdonalds and in the afternoon i'd get a chûhai or two, get a bit tipsy and gaze at the skyskrapers and huge advertising screens on the buildings which make my head whirl and laugh at random whacky japanese stuff.

i don't wanna go back. sure, it sounds childish and of course i'm missing my family and friends and stuff but these last weeks have been a nice escape from all the stress and other annoying things that really wore me down the last few months before i left for japan. i'm tired of dealing with moronic chocolate queens and crooked marzipan kings, smart-ass hypocrites stabbing me in the back over and over again. i'm exhausted by wasting my time with those people or other preposterous stuff, i don't wanna do it anymore. this journey made me realize again, that i've got better things to do.

time to wake up.

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